The first step of water treatment is the removal of all suspended particles and suspended solids from the water. Ultrafiltration has proven to be a filtration procedure with universal applicability. The key benefit of ultrafiltration is that it provides a consistently high level of water quality on the filtrate side, even in situations where the raw water composition varies significantly. An intelligent control system constantly monitors the raw water, which allows the backwash und cleaning intervals to be continuously adjusted to the composition of raw water. This provides significant advantages from the ecological point of view while ensuring ideal, cost-efficient operation.

The ultrafiltration membranes we use are distinguished by their particularly resistant construction. This high stability of these membranes keeps the risk that fibres might break to a minimum und ensures maximum availability of the process. The alignment of the membrane module in a compact system significantly reduces the space required for the system without restricting the servicability of the system. With a separation threshold of less than 0.1 µm, not only will the finest particles and suspended solids be removed from the water, but bacteria, germs and viruses will as well. For this reason, ultrafiltration is suitable for the use with drinking water and as well in process and supply water.
